Interprofessional Education Launch at MSU
Interprofessional Education Launch at Montana State University
The MUS IPE Institute and the University of Washington School of Dentistry held a free training for faculty and students in healthcare related fields on August 29th and 30th, 2019, on the Bozeman campus. 40 faculty members and students from both MSU and UW were in attendance. Representatives from the UW School of Dentistry, UW Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice, the MSU College of Nursing, the College of Health and Human Development, WWAMI, the Division of Health Sciences, MT AHEC/Office of Rural Health, and other disciplines interested in healthcare education. Content included lively discussions on IPE and the incorporation of IPE into dental education and practice. The agenda can be viewed below. Stay tuned for upcoming events in 2020!