Upcoming Events
Past Events

Interprofessional Education in Veterans Health
April 12, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
This virtual seminar will focus on how interprofessional education and practice are integrated into Veterans Health. Hear from experts from the Seattle VA Medical Center and the Montana VA Health System.

Interprofessional Education Seminar
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Seminar will focus on students gaining a betterunderstanding of health care professional
roles, values, and ethical perspectives. All health care professional students newly
entering their training programs are invited to attend.
Faculty : Please send class lists (including student emails) for registration to by September 4th.
Seminar content questions?

Montana Pain Conference (Virtual)
The Montana Pain Conference utilizes an interdisciplinary approach that focuses on sharing innovations in chronic pain care. With an emphasis on effective pain assessment, special attention is paid to research, education, and advocacy. Effective pain management empowers providers and patients as they navigate complex treatment needs.

Interprofessional Education: Pediatric Oral Health
Learned about pediatric oral health and the impact of interprofessional education and collaborative practice in children’s health.

Montana Interprofessional Education Launch
University of Washington School of Dentistry and Interprofessional Education Montana Faculty led this free training for any faculty and students especially those in health related fields.