American Indian AHEC Center Development

The Montana Office of Rural Health and Area Health Education Center Program Office is pursuing the development of an American Indian AHEC Center. The goal of establishing a Montana American Indian AHEC Center is to strengthen and develop health profession opportunities for American Indian people, therefore expanding access to quality healthcare for American Indian Montanans. 

July 2024 Update: After careful consideration, the Selection Committee has decided to reopen the request for proposals process for the Montana American Indian AHEC Center, ensuring adequate time for both the application submission and review process. We are dedicated to the long-term success of the future center and its mission to effectively serve the people of Montana.

What is an AHEC Center?

Montana is currently home to five unique AHEC Centers. AHEC Centers work to expand healthcare workforce in rural and underserved areas across the state from their host organization in collaboration with MORH/AHEC. 

Who Can Be A Host Organization? 

All organizations committed to supporting statewide healthcare workforce relationships with tribal nations and communities across Montana are welcome to apply.

Host organizations are responsible for the fiscal, administrative, and human resource management of their AHEC Center. Host organizations work in partnership with the Montana AHEC Program Office to meet programmatic goals, develop strategies, and share resources that enhance health professions education and training for rural and underserved Montanans.

The selected host agency is a public or private organization whose structure, governance, and operationis independent from the awardee and the parent institution of the awardee.  

Examples of current, regional host organizations: 

AHEC Center Activities Overview: 

A framing committee will beprovidedto support the development of the new center’s formal workplan. 

  • Recruit and support individuals from underrepresented minority populations and from disadvantaged and rural backgrounds into health professions.
  • Develop and implement strategies to foster and provide community-based training and education to individuals seeking careers in health professions within underserved areas. 
  • Conduct and participate in interdisciplinary healthcare trainings.
  • Provide continuing education and information dissemination to healthcare professionals in underserved areas. 

Funding and Administration: 

  • Selected host organization will be awarded $187,500 for the first 2 years and $110,693 for the third year (includes both direct and indirect, facilities and administrative costs). The current AHEC grant cycle is 2022 - 2027. The next five year AHEC grant cycle is to run 2027 - 2032.
  • Matching Requirement: this funding comes with a 1:1 match requirement with a 25% cash requirement. Funds used for matching may not be Federal.
    • Matching Support Available:

      We are grateful for Montana State University's commitment to supporting diversity and fostering inclusivity. The Mark and Robyn Jones College of Nursing has committed to covering the match requirement for the Montana American Indian AHEC, provided that the eligible applicant can demonstrate financial need.

  • HRSA AHEC awards are made to the AHEC Program Office (MSU) who then subawards with the AHEC centers to conduct the required activities.
  • Staffing Requirements: AHEC Centers are required to have a .75 FTE Director. 
  • Examples of Unallowable Costs: • Bad Debt • Cash Reserves/Miscellaneous Funds • Donations and Contributions • Entertainment • Fundraising Costs • Fines, Penalties • Lobbying • Meals • Grant writing • Honoraria (Except as payment for services rendered, such as a speaker’s fee)

Review Committee: 

Review Committee Members: 

  • Alma McCormick
  • Dorothy Dupree
  • Jamie Cahoon
  • Kasey Schindele
  • Lacey Alexander Wind
  • Lauren Corcoran
  • Frances Cole Altekruse
  • Rayola Grant
  • Jennifer Show
  • Kailyn Mock

Request For Proposals:


  • Opens: July 31, 2024
  • Letter of Intent Due: October 31, 2024 
  • Closes January 31, 2025


  • Review the application document, provided below. 
  • Submit letter of intent to MORH/AHEC at by 11:59 PM MT on October 31, 2024. 
  • A budget template will be emailed directly to the contact who submits letter of intent. The proposed budget will be required as a part of the application submission. 
  • Technical assistance support will be provided directly by the MORH/AHEC team via email or requested Zoom meetings. 
  • All application materials are to be submitted through the online form, provided below, by 11:59 PM MT on January 31, 2025. You will receive a confirmation email once your submission has been recieved. 



Download Application Guide

Word Document version of application


Submit Application

 Due January 31, 2025

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Support the Development of the AI AHEC Center

Fill out our interest form.

Technical Assistance 

If you are have questions about the application process or need assistance plase contact Kailyn Mock

Learn More About AHEC: 

AHEC is funded (in part or in whole) by grant number HRSA-22-053 from U.S. Department of Health Resources and Services Administration. 


Kailyn Mock, Director
