NRHD Activites
The Montana Office of Rural Health invites health organizations, schools and rural communities to sponsor National Rural Health Day Activities to celebrate the power of rural and help transform this day into a movement!
Share photos and descriptions of the activities your organization sponsored for NRHD to be entered into a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card. Submission Deadline: November 7th, 2024
Ways to Celebrate

Host a Walk with a Doc and register the activity with NOSORH

Reach Out
Write a letter to the editor or contact your elected officals to stress the importance of adressing the health needs of your rural Montana community

Spread the Word
Display NRHD posters and spread the word on your organization's social media accounts! use #powerofrural on all of your posts!

Appreciation Luncheon

Community Contests
For more ideas of how to celebrate check out