The Maternal and Child Health–Improving Oral Health Integration (MCH-IOHI) Project is a collaborative effort with the Montana Department of Health and Human Services’ Oral Health Program (OHP), MORH/AHEC, the Montana Primary Care Association, Montana State University’s Mark and Robyn Jones College of Nursing, OneHealth, Ag Worker Health and Services - FQHC, Proyecto Salud clinics, and Northern Cheyenne school-based clinics.

MCH-IOHI partners recognize unique opportunities to close oral health gaps in Montana communities through new dental technologies, workforce, and delivery models. Dental technologies such as silver diamine fluoride (SDF) provide non-dentist providers with a tool to arrest the progression of decay and prevent future dental disease using a non-invasive, affordable technique.

Creating the MCH-IOHI alliance will be the first time Montana embarks upon a comprehensive, statewide oral health literacy campaign in alignment with established partners that support integration of oral health.


student applies fluoride varnish image of Blackfeet Early Learning Center sign student applies fluoride varnish