Montana Healthy Communities

The first webinar highlights the benefits and lessons learned by multi-sector partners as they implemented a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for the Big Sky Villas affordable housing complex rehabilitation project in Belgrade, MT. 


Webinar Recording

Collective Impact in Montana

Presenter: Deb Halliday
November 15, 2016

Increasingly, communities across the nation are looking to a new collaborative framework, called collective impact, to help guide the hard work of coalition building and partnership. Watch this webinar to hear how Montana communities are expanding their reach and impact through  unlikely community alliances, coordinated use of data, expanded effective practices and strategic communication. Deb used the hands-on example of Graduation Matters Montana (which is now in 58 Montana communities and has resulted in the highest graduation rate in the state’s history two years’ running!).


Webinar Recording


Healthy By Design

Heather Fink
December 12, 2016

Healthy By Design is a community coalition focused in Yellowstone County, MT, with a vision of making the healthy choice the easy choice. The Coalition's mission is to collaborate across sectors to promote and improve health while seeking to embrace the Collective Impact model. Priorities of this coalition are determined through a community health needs assessment process, which are then approached through system-level strategy development and improvement planning. The Community Health Needs Assessment process and Healthy By Design staff are sponsored by Billings Clinic, RiverStone Health and St. Vincent Healthcare. Discover what this coalition is up to, how the Collective Impact model is working for them, and what you may be able to apply to your own work. 

Webinar Recording

Webinar Recording