Healthy Communities Conference

The Montana Healthy Communities Conference was held on October 27th and 28th. This 1.5 day conference brought over 200 professionals from the community development and health and human services fields together to address "upstream" factors that influence health. Thank you for helping make the Montana Healthy Communities Conference on October 27th and 28th a success.  We are already hearing about new collaborations emerging from the discussions among participants. 

Day 1 Notes
Day 2 Notes

Speaker Presentations



Hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, the Montana Healthcare Foundation, and the Montana Office of Rural Health and Area Health Education Center and at Montana State University.


Sponsored by the First Interstate BancSystem Foundation,  Montana & Idaho Community Development Corporation , Montana Primary Care Association, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Montana Hospital Association, Opportunity Link, Inc., The OP and WE Edwards Foundation and PacificSource Health Plan